The Great Commission is to ‘make disciples’, not decisions.
Conversion (born-again) is just the beginning, at this point the discipleship journey begins. Nurturing and raising disciples is intrinsic to the Commissioning of Jesus Christ; it is God's plan for every child of His to reach spiritual maturity.
The aim of this discipleship course is not just to raise strong believers, but effective workers, builders, servants and ministers; to be progressively transformed into God's Image. We aim to establish a foundation for ministry in our lives, and in others, so that the Kingdom of God can be extended, and God’s name glorified. We begin with the personal disciplines necessary for spiritual growth, from which ministry flows, and we will learn what ministry really entails, before progressing to the doctrinal knowledge needed to make that ministry effective.
Invited not Imposed
We encourage participants to be deliberate in their endeavours, yet remembering it's the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the word that transforms us – by ourselves we can do nothing. Indeed, God is the Potter and what He does He does very well; therefore fruitfulness is simply a matter of allowing the Master craftsmen to do His job.
This is a course for those who desire to grow and want to commit themselves to learning with others through sound teaching, open discussion, group work, short assignments (voluntary), both spoken and written, personal research and further reading. It is a buffet, from which each can draw what they will, and can be tailor-made as each discerns their own calling and ministry.
For further enquiries email here.